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Checklist for managing (career) breaks


Checklist for employees and senior staff with the goal of standardizing transition into, as well as return from, periods of leave

Target groups

general staff/administrative staff / managerial staff / scientific staff / artistic-scientific staff /

Implementing organization

Medical University of Vienna - Gender Mainstreaming Office /


Angelika Hoffer-Pober; gender-diversity@meduniwien.ac.at


Developed at the Medical University of Vienna in 2016 but not (yet) implemented

Relation to gender equality targets

Within the framework of the audit “University and family” – field of activity 4: Working Hours

Concept: Developing a checklist for employees and senior staff with the goal of standardizing transitions into and returns from (career) breaks

The objective(s) of the tool

Prior to the birth of a child there exists an increased need for information, which will be optimally met in combination with the leaflet “Becoming Parents” and the childcare website. In that way better compatibility of university and family, especially for women is guaranteed.

Description of the tool

Reasons for breaks in a career are numerous, such as educational leave, leave for family reasons (parenthood, care, etc.) or a general leave of absence.

Target audience: employees who are planning a period of leave or are entering into leave for family reasons.

Recommendations: prior to initiating leave, the guide serves in preparing the meeting between senior staff and employee in order to address all associated questions.